Mohd Zul Fadlain Abdullah - Communication

What is your full name?
Mohd Zul Fadlain Abdullah

What year did you graduate?

What was your IRK & Human Sciences major in IIUM?
Communication/ Comparative Studies

What was your degree specialisation?
Public Relations

What is your Current Position & Company?
Deputy Registrar/Islamic University of Malaysia

What are your responsibilities & achievements at this current position?
Fund Raising. Asset acquiring and management. Waqf related funding for UIM

Please share your work history, companies you've worked for, your responsibilities in each role and your achievements in those roles
  • Maxis Communications-PR executive (2001-2003)
  • Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia-Director (2003-2013)
  • Yayasan Amanah Universiti Islam Malaysia-Senior Manager(2013-present)
  • Universiti Islam Malaysia-Deputy Registrar (2014-present)

What are some of the challenges you faced as a IRK & Human Sciences student while you were studying at IIUM?
Lack of exposure to real outside world and to be honest I found that many of us do not have the practical skills to be a Public Relations Officer

What are some of the challenges you faced as a fresh graduate?
Cost of living.

What advice would you give to IRK & Human Sciences students seeking to pursue careers using their qualifications?
Qualifications are not enough. We must have a keen interest and do things that people can't do. Make us someone who is special among others and someone who is needed by the organisation.

What else would you like to tell the IRK & Human Sciences students currently studying at IIUM?
Enjoy your work. Let others know what is inside your brain and what ideas you have. Don't feel shy. Please think outside the box and please think smart.

If you would like to ask more, email to:

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